Monday, January 7, 2008

A Minnesota Month for Huckabee, Countdown to February 5th

Today, January 7, 2008, marks the official beginning of Mike Huckabee's campaign in Minnesota with a press confrence at 2:30 in St. Paul. The next month, until the evening of February 5th, marks the potential and opportunity for a grass roots campaign in Minnesota like we probably have not seen in years.

It will be our goal to reach thousands of voters in the span of one month. I will work in particular to reach college aged voters and I will work to enlist college aged supporters of Mike across the state in my effort to prove that Mike is the best candidate for the next greatest generation of Americans. There is no doubt that some of the other campaigns are more entrenched here and, as expected, better financed. None of that mattered in Iowa, however, and hopefully none of it will matter here. We are going to bring Mike's message to people across the state and let them support him on the basis of what he stands for and where he will lead our country.

Join Me, Make a Pledge to support Governor Huckabee

I encourage you to join me in making a pledge to donate $25 to the Huckabee Campaign when 10,000 supporters are reached. You can make this pledge at Please do so today!

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Huckabee - A Man of Hope, The Power of Positivity

"An exciting candidate with an interesting message"