Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Great Lines in You Tube Debate

Tonight Governor Huckabee had some of the best lines of the campaign so far. Not only does he do a good job of giving pointed answers to the questions asked, but he also, as the following lines indicate, offer a personable approach that most other candidates are unable to rival.

When asked what Jesus would do with the death penalty, Governor Huckabee responded that Jesus was too smart to get into politics in the first place. Certainly, when pressed, many of the candidates might have stuggled wtih a question mixing faith and political practice, but Mike's candid response answered the question and provided a glimpse into his sense of humor and individual approach to this campaign.

His best line of the night, in my opinion, came in response to a question about furthuring the space program and sending a person to Mars. As with other questions, Mike provided a serious answer highlighting the importance of technological innovation and futhuring the space program, but he ultimately qualified his answer in the end by saying that if a person were to be sent to Mars, he would gladly send Hillary. As one might imagine, the audience erupted and Governor Huckabee gained even more as the result of his sense of humor.

As people have reacted to this latest debate from numerous sources I have followed, many are noting how Mike really took advantage of his first real opportunity for more camera/face time in front of a national audience. For us supporters, we can only hope for more of the same!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good points made Will. I think Mr. Huckabee is a phenominal and effective speaker--the best out there on the campaign. No ums, ahs, ya knows,(no eye winking-like McCain and wiping his nose!!) or other forms of slang or filler words. Huckabee has great presence, while speaking clearly and conscisely, gets his point across effectively, and then adds a good dose of humor. "A merry heart doeth good like a medicine".